A new educational and recreational centre for Ukrainian and Moldovan children in Căplani, Ștefan Vodă

Published: Jun 2, 2023 Reading time: 2 minutes
A new educational and recreational centre for Ukrainian and Moldovan children in Căplani, Ștefan Vodă
© Photo: PIN Moldova

On the occasion of International Children's Day, People in Need Moldova (PIN) and local partners are pleased to announce the establishment of a recreational educational centre in Căplani village, Ștefan Vodă district. The space will offer Ukrainian refugee children and those from the host community the opportunity to enjoy learning and recreational activities in a safe space supervised by qualified professionals. The activities are designed for children aged 6 to 14 years, promoting their learning, well-being and overall development. This initiative is made possible thanks to support from the European Union and is a significant step towards improving the lives of children in the region.

The centre is open after school hours, from 1:30 to 5:30 pm, Monday to Friday and is located on Independentei Street, "Gates of Heaven" tourist centre in the village of Caplani, Stefan Voda. It is equipped with interactive and intellectual games, books and comfortable spaces for socializing and relaxing, and the organized activities are on the interest of children, and include art and crafts workshops, language courses, board games, with a strong emphasis on socio-emotional education.

"By joining efforts, through the establishment of this space, we aim to involve at least 75 children, who will be divided into age groups, each of them led by a qualified facilitator who will ensure that their individual needs are met," said Adelina Barbăneagră, executive director of "Generation PRO", the local partner of the project.

In addition, the centre will provide snacks and refreshments for the children, promoting their nutrition and general well-being. Community events will also be organised to promote social cohesion and interaction between children and their families.

"We are delighted to inaugurate this children's space at Căplani today. We have been able to provide a safe environment for Ukrainian and Moldovan children thanks to the local partnership with the NGO "Generatia PRO", together with the support of the Căplani Village Hall, which kindly provided this space and the use of adjacent recreational facilities for the children", said Eugenio Carillo, Emergency Coordinator at People in Need Moldova. "This initiative reflects our commitment to promoting the education, well-being and holistic development of children in the community. We express our gratitude to the European Union, our partners and donors for their invaluable support in making this project a reality."

Autor: Irina Draguțanu

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