Open Call for Proposals
Technical and Financial Support for implementing community-based media and democracy literacy activities following the OWIS methodology
1. Objectives of the call for proposals
The overall objective of this call for proposals is to empower Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Moldova with the necessary skills to effectively engage in civic education and democracy literacy activities, particularly targeting youth and marginalized groups. This includes supporting them in analysing information to combat disinformation and promoting informed citizenship using documentaries for civic education based on the OWIS methodology .
The specific objective is to support media and democracy literacy, along the electoral cycle, in Moldovan communities to foster informed engagement, civic education and active participation in the elections with a primary focus on youth engagement.
2. Scope of the support programme
Technical support
Selected organisations will be capacitated with One World in Schools (OWIS) methodology, developed by People in Need, and equipped with the proper tools via using interactive education techniques, presenting documentary films to enhance media literacy and foster democratic values among various communities. Through this programme, trained CSOs will be able to further support citizens to analyse information against disinformation threats and embrace informed citizenship amidst digital transformation.
People in Need (PIN) is a non-profit organisation striving to build a world where people are not restricted by a society devoid of freedoms, poverty, lack of opportunity or discrimination. Its belief is that the world can be a better place for people suffering from poverty, injustice or inequality. People in Need plays an active role in achieving a more inclusive and sustainable global development. More information about PIN Moldova is available at https://moldova.peopleinneed.net
Financial support
Selected organisations will receive financial support in the form of grants managed by People in Need Moldova in the modality explained below
3. Grants modalities
The funding amount for each proposal is up to EUR 10,000.
The projects should last between 6 and 12 months and be implemented starting January 2024.
The grant recipients will sign a contribution agreement (grant contract) with PIN. As selected organisations will be exempted from VAT from the costs incurred within this grant, the budget proposal should contain the planned costs excluding VAT.
4. Eligible activities and priorities of the call
Below please find the example of types of activities that are eligible for funding. The list is neither exhaustive nor cumulative. Additional types of activities may be considered, provided they align with the objectives of this call for proposals. These examples are offered as suggestions to inspire potential applicants and guide their project design.
The following types of activities are eligible for funding:
● Screening films that promote critical thinking and social justice, followed by discussions and debates, promoting human rights awareness.
● Engaging youth centres and rural communities in documentary-based activities on media and democracy literacy;
● Conducting workshops to develop critical thinking, media literacy, and digital citizenship skills using the documentaries as a starting point for discussion; Facilitate critical thinking and informed discussions on key themes in each documentary.
● Organising multi stake holder and intergenerational debates in communities around democratic processes and values; Help viewers recognize bias and understand how it affects narratives in documentaries and other media
● Guiding citizens to identify and debunk fake news and misinformation with enhanced media literacy capacity;
● Empowering participants to create digital stories, provide digital courses to share experiences and perspectives regarding civic engagement, democratic values.
● Supporting youth critical thinking in addressing local issues and promote social change;
● Fostering youth political and civil engagement by creating platforms that encourage civic participation, dialogue, and leadership development.
● Organizing mock elections and voter education campaigns to promote civic participation. (e.g., a policy debate or election) in which participants are assigned roles such as policymakers, journalists, and citizens. Understand how documentaries influence viewers' opinions and social behaviour and organize a debate on whether and how documentaries shape public discourse and behaviour.
● Engaging participants in social theatre, where they act out scenes from the documentary's themes, exploring issues, fostering deeper understanding through role-play and interactive discussions.
The priority for this call is to raise media and democracy literacy among Moldovan communities through the 2025 election period in the Republic of Moldova. The following priorities will enhance the relevance of proposals:
● Proposals that include public awareness campaigns aimed at educating citizens about the dangers of disinformation and the importance of media literacy will be highly valued.
● Complementarity with ongoing initiatives is encouraged to ensure a coordinated approach. Projects that demonstrate innovative approaches to youth engagement and civic participation will be prioritized.
● Projects should have a clear plan for sustainability, including strategies for long-term impact and institutional capacity building.
● Projects should prioritize the inclusion of marginalized groups, such as young people with disabilities, LGBTQ+ youth, and youth from rural areas.
● Projects should promote gender equality and empower young women and girls.
The following types of activities are ineligible for funding:
• Actions that focus primarily on individual sponsorships for participation in workshops, seminars, conferences, or congresses;
• Actions which relate solely or mainly to individual scholarships for studies or training courses;
• Actions that support political parties or candidates during elections;
• Retroactive financing for projects that are already in progress or have been completed;
• Projects that provide exclusive benefits to individuals or restricted groups of individuals will not qualify for funding.
• Environmentally harmful projects will not receive funding, and the purchase of equipment is only permissible if it is directly linked to the implementation of the project.
5. Application and selection process
The following provides an overview of the application and selection process from the publication of the guidelines to the start of implementation.
5.1 Indicative timeline
- Opening of the call Friday15 November 2024
- Online information session Friday 22nd November 2024; 14:00 Chișinău time (link here: ZOOM link Meeting ID: 890 6488 9661 Passcode: 831933)
- Deadline to submit proposals Wednesday, 4th December 2024; 23:59 Chișinău time
- Evaluations of the proposals 5 - 13 December 2024
- Negotiation, finalisation and award 16 - 24 December 2024
- Indicative implementation period of grants 2 January 2025 - 30 November 2025 (from 6
to 11 months within this period)
- PIN’s capacity development training on OWIS methodology January 2025
5.2 Full application submission
The application period is open immediately and will close on Wednesday, 4th December 2024; (23:59, GMT+3, Chișinău time). The full application package is composed of:
● Annex A Grants Application Form;
● Annex B Budget Form;
● Confirmation of the organization's registrations
Applications should be sent to concurs.moldova@peopleinneed.net Applications must be submitted in English, Romanian or Russian languages.
5.3. Eligibility, evaluation and award procedure
5.3.1 Administrative compliance
● All applications will undergo an administrative check that establishes whether the information required by the online application form has been provided. Applications will be assessed through the administrative compliance criteria described below: The application package is received complete, in line with section 5.2 above. The organisation must be an NGO registered in Moldova and provide a certificate of registration.
● The organisation must be able to sign a grant agreement with PIN.
● The organisation is not already a beneficiary of a grant within the INSPIRED Moldova project.
● The organisation must not be in political party affiliation, nor in any of the exclusion criteria, such as conflict of interest, adverse audit opinion by the organisation’s own auditors or its donors’ auditors, participation in a criminal organisation, corruption, fraud, terrorist activities, money laundering or terrorist financing, child labour and other forms of modern slavery or human trafficking, any illegal activity, being bankrupt or subject to insolvency or winding-up proceedings or similar arrangements, professional misconduct or unfair procurement processes, and an outstanding level of debt that could put grant funds at risk.
5.3.2 Technical evaluation
The Evaluation Committee will then assess the administratively compliant applications against the criteria listed below:
- Organizational Capacity - max points 20
(Years of existence; Financial volume in the past year; Team size and structure; Presence of permanent human resources; Experience in managing similar-sized projects relative to the requested grant size)
- Organizational Experience in the field - max points 20
(Civil Society participation etc.)
- Relevance of the Project Proposal - max points 20
(Alignment with Action and FSTP; Expected participant/target groups reach; Stakeholder involvement, including local authorities)
- Financial Component - max points 20
- Performance and Sustainability - max points 20
(Environmental impact; Citizen awareness of civil society participation in policy dialogue; multi-stakeholder dialogue and partnership development; Originality and innovation)
Total Score 100
5.3.3 Final evaluation & award decision
Based on the above evaluation scoring, as decided by the PIN evaluation committee, applicants will receive an official response with the outcome of their application.
If selected for funding, a few additional documents may have to be completed by the applicant as part of the due diligence process. Once all comments have been addressed and additional information and documents have been provided, a contribution agreement will be signed between the applicant and PIN.
6. Background information
INSPIRED Moldova is an EU-funded project running from 2024 to 2027 which aims to contribute to creating an enabling environment for civil society in Moldova by empowering civil society organisations (CSOs) to actively engage in policy discussions at all levels. Building on the momentum generated by the EU accession process, the project facilitates policy dialogue processes on the enabling environment for civil society and relevant plans and programmes stemming from the accession negotiations. Recognising the importance of prioritising democracy building in the EU's new methodology on the fundamentals first accession criteria, the initiative will strengthen the capacities of CSOs to act as catalysts for democracy both at national and local level and in the digital sphere.
The project will foster inclusive and participatory processes to improve public participation, particularly by promoting the involvement of underrepresented groups and women in Moldova. By empowering Moldovan civil society through technical and financial support, the project aims to strengthen their influence on national policies and accelerate the country's EU integration. This involves engaging CSOs in policy-making processes at the national, local, and digital levels. The project encourages dialogue and collaboration with public authorities to ensure that civil society becomes a key actor in promoting democracy in Moldova.
The call for proposal related to output 3, which seeks to curate, disseminate, and apply digital toolkits for democracy, equipping CSOs with essential digital resources and expertise to effectively engage citizens and participate in policy dialogue.
7. Notice
This call for proposals is made possible by the financial support of the European Union. Its content represents the sole responsibility of the INSPIRED Moldova project, financed by the European Union. The content of the call for proposals belongs to People in Need Moldova and does not necessarily reflect the vision of the European Union.
The project is implemented by a Consortium of six organisations, among which the European Partnership for Democracy (EPD), Center for Policies and Reforms (CPR Moldova), the National Assistance Centre for NGOs in Moldova (CONTACT), People in Need (PIN), the European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA), and Democracy Reporting International (DRI).
The project is funded by the European Union and implemented by People in Need Moldova and aims to improve access to quality public services and social cohesion
Dear Applicants, please note, that the current Call for Proposals will be closing on 15th of November 2024. We encourage those who are preparing a project to apply until this date, as People in Need will not have capacity to process the applications submitted later.
We would like to thank everyone who already applied for your interest and work! You will be informed about status of your applications upon earliest opportunity.
People in Need might reopen the Call in 2025, upon the availability of the funds.
Background information about People in Need
People in Need (PIN) is a Czech-based international non-profit organization founded on the principles of humanism, freedom, equality, and solidarity, with a focus on human dignity and freedom. Operating in over 20 countries, PIN provides humanitarian and development aid to vulnerable populations.
Since 2004, PIN has been active in Moldova, supporting individuals, civil society, and institutions. PIN Moldova has a strong track record in empowering civil society and promoting participatory processes through grants and partnerships.
Background information about the project
The ongoing war in Ukraine has significantly affected Moldova's economic, public, social, and political spheres. Concurrently, Moldova is undergoing various reforms, including social protection (RESTART) and education, to align with EU standards and legislation amid EU accession negotiations. People in Need Moldova, with financial support from the European Union, has launched a Call for Proposals as part of the "Moldova ASSIST" project.
This project aims to support vulnerable people, civil society, and Moldovan institutions by providing grants to CSOs. The objectives are to support civil society actors to effectively collaborate with public authorities to improve equal access to quality public services, including for the most marginalized/vulnerable population; promote inclusive consultations on EU accession processes; and ensure social cohesion.
The overall objective of this call for proposals is to improve capacities of CSOs to promote dialogues with communities and public authorities, lead joint initiatives and prevent or mediate conflicts, prioritize local needs, to increase the collaboration between the local communities, all actors of local civil society for joint initiatives, increase social cohesion, empowering youth and elderly groups to participate in policy dialogues and create safe spaces for participants to express views and grievances. To achieve this, PIN is launching a call for proposals divided into five lots:
- Lot 2: CSO lead dialogues between community, local public authorities and national government to prioritize local needs.
- Lot 3: Civil Society engaged in participatory processes and community-public actors joint initiates.
- Lot 4: Community activities on promotion of critical thinking, media literacy and social cohesion for youth and young adults using proven methodologies.
- Lot 5: Civil Society promoting social cohesion and conflict prevention mechanisms.
Given the importance of cooperation between civil society, public authorities and local institutions to foster effective communication, joint initiatives and social cohesion initiatives, prospective applicants are encouraged to work closely with relevant local stakeholders and communities to tackle possible gaps in social services provision, livelihood opportunities, education services in the light of ongoing/ upcoming reforms. The applicant-CSOs are encouraged to collaborate with counterparts at district level during the implementation phase and develop meaningful partnerships for joint engagement with stakeholder and citizens, while responding to the priorities of this call.
Areas of implementation
- Throughout the Republic of Moldova
Lot 1: Tailored capacity development of local CSOs for strengthening their technical skills
Overall objective: To strengthen the capacity and competencies of CSOs to promote dialogues with communities and public authorities, lead joint initiatives and prevent or mediate conflicts.
Description: The CSOs will offer support in building programmatic and strategic capacities of staff and non-professionals from local CSO’s to engage effectively in dialogues among community, local public authorities, state institutions and national government. The capacity building program should increase the CSOs contextual understanding of the ongoing reforms, legal transformations and institutional restructures directly affecting their beneficiaries to be able to prioritize effectively local needs and develop community-public actors joint initiates. The selected CSOs will work jointly to develop a comprehensive capacity building program to train 100 representatives of local CSOs in the field of Ethical Standards and Governance, Coalition Building and Networking, Effective Stakeholder Engagement, Policy Analysis and Advocacy, Equitable Service Provision in Education and Social systems, as well as to introduce a methodology for the promotion of reconciliation initiatives, conflict mediation, problem management and co-construction of shared visions.
The number of CSO representatives to be trained will be shared equally among the selected applicants and will focus on geographic distribution: North, Centre and South of the Republic of Moldova.
Eligible activities, but not limited to: Capacity development workshops and seminars, technical advising, mentorship and coaching, peer learning and exchange, development and dissemination of educational materials, roundtables, ad-hoc support to CSOs and LPAs, promotion of best practices, experience sharing and networking between local CSOs.
Expected results:
- Increased understanding of ongoing reforms, legal transformations, and institutional restructuring among CSO representatives;
- Improved ability of CSOs to prioritize local needs and develop relevant initiatives;
- Adherence to higher ethical standards and improved governance practices among CSOs;
- Stronger coalition building and networking capabilities among CSOs;
- Advanced skills in policy analysis and advocacy among CSO representatives;
- Access to technical expertise, mentorship, and coaching for CSOs throughout project implementation;
- Adoption and sharing of best practices by CSOs;
- Comprehensive capacity building program developed and delivered, training 100 representatives of local CSOs.
Expected duration: 5-6 months
Budget allocation under this lot: Maximum amount per grant - EUR 20, 000 (the strongest most relevant proposals and the most capable organisation can receive the biggest grant; applying for a smaller grant is possible).
Lot 2: CSO lead dialogues between community, local public authorities and national government to prioritize local needs
Objective: Prioritization of local needs as a result of efficient and effective dialogues between communities and public authorities.
Description: Under this lot, the applicants are expected to present the projects which aim at development of actionable plans that address local challenges (such us gaps in social provision services, education services, challenges in implementation of regulatory frameworks at rayon level) arising from ongoing national reforms. These actions will foster citizen engagement, participatory processes, and access to essential services, emphasizing identified priorities and best practices in transparency, integrity, accountability, and anti-corruption. The primary intervention focuses on advocacy and effective dialogue among stakeholders, potentially leading to further funding opportunities as a result of these activities. Project proposals should adopt a participatory approach, addressing community needs through active engagement in dialogues with stakeholders. Priority will be given to effective CSOs, with additional support provided as needed, particularly for grassroots organizations. In such cases, PIN will ensure that the organization possesses the capacity and expertise to develop and implement the action.
Eligible activities, but not limited to: Policy dialogues and advocacy campaigns, public information campaigns, feedback and learning sessions, consultations with LPAs and citizens on local social issues, community needs assessment and prioritization, development of action plans on issues relevant for the communities at the local level.
Expected results:
- CSOs built an efficient dialogue with communities and LPAs and other local stakeholders;
- Development of sustainable partnerships among community actors for change and long-term cooperation;
- Involvement of citizens in public consultations and decision-making processes;
- Local needs and challenges are identified and prioritized;
- CSOs develop a local action plan based on identified priorities, potentially leading to further funding opportunities;
- Public actors have enchased their knowledges regarding the needs of the communities.
- Holistic action plans to address local challenges are developed and coordinated with relevant stakeholders.
Expected Duration: 6-12 months
Budget allocation under this lot: Maximum amount per grant - EUR 5.000.
Lot 3: Civil Society engaged in participatory processes and community-public actors joint initiates
Objective: Increase capacities of CSOs and public institutions to manage conflictive situations and reach agreements for joint initiatives.
Description: The CSOs will focus on creating an environment conducive to building trust between communities (groups of initiative) and key actors, through regular meetings between LPAs, ATAS and other relevant institutions, thereby enhancing stakeholder connections and facilitating peer-learning. The action will support trust-building within communities by fostering dialogues focused on necessary reforms and engage ATAS and/or LPAs to conduct joint initiatives including public hearings utilizing tailored presentations to inform the community about their services and ongoing reforms, encourage direct exchanges between individuals and promotes confidence building within the community.
Building on the learning-by-doing approach, and to foster alliances for change among communities, civil society and stakeholders, CSOs will be able to dedicate a part of their budget to implement pilot actions drawing from the consultative processes they will lead in the context of national reforms through participatory budgeting in cooperation with LPAs to follow up on the implementation of the consultations and local priorities (e.g. co-financing improvements of public services, social programmes, participatory processes etc.).
Eligible activities, but not limited to: Participatory budgeting for ensuring provision of social and/ or educational services (especially in relation to education for children with special needs, integration of minorities and other vulnerable categories of children into education system) in the light of the implementation of new regulatory frameworks; Regular meetings between LPAs and ATAS/Specialized Agencies aimed at enhancing stakeholder connections and peer-learning; Public hearings; Intercommunity exchange programs to promote sharing/exchanges or visits between different stakeholders to share experiences, enhance peer learning, foster solidarity, broaden perspectives on community problem solving, implementation of joint local initiatives, develop and implement action plans in collaboration with local and regional stakeholders to address challenges and needs.
Expected results:
- Build environment conducive to nurturing trust between communities (initiatives groups) and key actors (LPAs, state agencies and ATAS);
- CSOs lead dialogue among stakeholders to address local priorities and needs, contributing to the problem management, prevention of misunderstandings and ensuring a clear joint vision and coordinated actions. CSOs will develop mechanisms to involve communities, LPAs and ATAS in participatory budgeting initiatives;
- Participatory budgeting initiatives tackle the gaps in provision of social and/ or educational services for the community residents (including most vulnerable ones);
- Development of sustainable partnerships among community actors and their involvement in responding to community needs;
- Local communities are better informed about how to access public services, considering new models and systemic transformations at the national level;
- Enhanced knowledge and utilization of relevant targeted services among community members.
Expected Duration: 10-12 months
Budget allocation under this lot: Maximum amount per grant - EUR 50.000 (the strongest most relevant proposals and the most capable organisation can receive the biggest grant; applying for a smaller grant is possible).
Lot 4: Community activities on promotion of critical thinking, media literacy and social cohesion for youth and young adults using proven methodologies
Objective: Increase critical thinking, media literacy and social cohesion for youth and young adults
Description: Note that this Lot requires special training on the OWIS methodology (see the description below). Successful applicants will have to take part in obligatory prior training provided by PIN. The action will be focusing on implementing community-based media and digital literacy activities building on prior knowledge acquired within One World in Schools (OWIS - methodology originated in the Czech Republic) training. Following the implementation of media and digital literacy activities, the action will support youth-led community initiatives as small-scale projects aiming at building civic spirit in youth representatives addressing relevant societal issues.
Each CSO must organize at least 14 screenings of documentaries on media and digital literacy and create at least one media product (e.g. media campaign, video, cartoon) to raise public awareness of media education and inform a pre-selected target audience on this topic. This lot is particularly good for the CSOs, and other actors engaged in youth education and advocacy.
Capacity building component: Selected organizations will be trained on the OWIS methodology and its implementation, particularly on how to: organize interactive education sessions using documentary films and audio-visual materials to engage youth and young adults and employ effective communication strategies; incorporate reasoning, discussion methods, and exercises to stimulate critical thinking and promote dialogue on complex societal issues; utilize various communication channels, including social media, workshops, and community events, to reach a wide audience.
Eligible activities, but not limited to: Film screenings and education sessions following OWIS methodology, youth-led community projects and student leadership awards, mock elections to educate youth / community about the democratic process and civic engagement, awareness raising campaigns, youth journalists' competition, study visits, development of media products.
Expected results:
- CSOs will be effectively trained in the OWIS methodology, enabling them to conduct interactive educational sessions using documentary films and audio-visual materials.
- Improved Analytical Skills: Youth and young adults will develop stronger critical thinking abilities, allowing them to analyse and evaluate media content more effectively.
- Youth will develop leadership skills and a sense of advocacy, contributing to their communities through various projects and initiatives.
- Inclusive Education: The program will provide a range of educational opportunities that cater to diverse learning styles and interests, promoting inclusivity and comprehensive learning experiences.
Expected Duration: 6-8 months
Budget allocation under this lot: Maximum amount per grant - EUR 8,000.
Lot 5: Civil Society promoting social cohesion and conflict prevention mechanisms
Objective: Increase engagement in social cohesion activities by empowering youth and elderly groups to participate in policy dialogues; create safe spaces for participants to express views and grievances;
Description: The action will be focusing on promoting social cohesion and conflict prevention activity through establishing community-based response mechanisms such as committees comprising youth and elderly groups. It may involve organising citizen councils to discuss ongoing reforms and local challenges, and to provide support in addressing and resolving disputes peacefully. In order to build strong, inclusive communities where members feel connected and supported, social cohesion activities are essential part of the project. The project must represent citizens interests and provide feedback and exchange of information for both local community and authority. It can also include dialogue and reconciliation initiatives and social cohesion strategies.
Eligible activities, but not limited to: Establishment of community-based response mechanisms; establish citizen councils; dialogue and reconciliation initiatives; social cohesion strategies; cultural and sports events; volunteering and community service; community initiatives to improve civic engagement and social culture, social cohesion and conflict prevention activities.
Expected results:
- Increased Youth and Elderly Engagement in Policy Dialogues;
- Development of safe, inclusive spaces where participants can freely express their views and grievances;
- Youth and elderly groups actively participate in policy dialogues, contributing their perspectives and concerns on ongoing reforms and local challenges;
- Increased trust and cooperation among community members through open dialogue and mutual understanding;
- Implementation of social cohesion strategies and activities that foster a sense of belonging and connectedness within the community;
- Increased participation in community activities, strengthening social ties and fostering a shared community identity;
- Increased involvement in volunteering and community service activities, contributing to community development and social culture.
Expected Duration: 10-12 months
Budget allocation under this lot: Maximum amount per grant - EUR 20,000 (the strongest most relevant proposals and the most capable organisation can receive the biggest grant; applying for a smaller grant is possible).
Your organisation can apply to one Lot at a time. The size of the grants available for each lot are described above. Please, thoroughly consider the capacity of your organisation at the project design stage (in terms of implementation, reporting, monitoring, etc.), as it will be one of the factors for PIN Selection Committee for allocation of grants.
If your organisation has a project idea related to social or education services, livelihood opportunities, social cohesion, conflict prevention but cannot find an appropriate lot to apply under this call or you need additional consultations and advice, please still submit your project. The PIN team will review your application and assist in finding the right lot within this call or other available funding.
Project duration:
- Possible start date: 1st of August 2024
- End date: 31st of August 2025 (including reporting)
Deadline for Application:
- There is NO deadline, you can apply at anytime
- PIN will consider your application on a rolling basis until all available funds are allocated
Ineligible activities
The following types of activities are ineligible: a) actions which relate solely or mainly to individual sponsorship for participation in workshops, seminars, conferences, congresses; b) actions which relate solely or mainly to individual scholarships for studies or training courses; c) actions supporting political parties or election candidates; d) retrospective funding for projects already under implementation or completed; e) projects for the exclusive benefit of individuals or small groups of individuals. Also, no environmentally damaging projects will be funded.
Eligibility Criteria for Applicants:
For all five lots, in order to be eligible, the applicants should: a) be a legal entity officially registered (only mandatory for big grants, small and medium will be directed to grassroot or volunteer groups); b) and be non-profit making; c) be established in the Republic of Moldova; d) be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action, not acting as an intermediary; e) have relevant experience in the topic of the scheme; f) Specific calls might require experience in cooperating with Local Public Authorities; g) Demonstrated evidence of managing funds of a similar budget size; h) No record of illegal and unethical activity (corruption, fraud); i) no political party affiliation.
Criteria for Applications Evaluation:
As per PIN’s Application Evaluation procedures, each applicant will receive points based on the package of submitted documents and compliance with the criteria specified below. Maximum score is 60 points. The applicants with the highest scores will receive grant support.
Main Criteria
Criteria Explanation Points
1. Expected number of participants/target groups reached by the project. Number of unique beneficiaries (the members of the community) supported by the proposed project. max. 5 points
2. Number of persons from different stakeholders, including local authorities, involved in the project. Number of the stakeholders (representatives of LPA, ATAS, specialized state agencies, local actors, etc) supported by the proposed project. max. 5 points
3. Cost-effectiveness. Costs are well-justified and relevant for the proposed activities and can ensure achieving project results (incl. sufficient staff and equipment for implementation of activities, reporting, documenting, ensuring quality). max. 5 points
4. Raising awareness activities foreseen in the proposed project. Actions to ensure proper visibility about the project and its objective are envisioned and presented in the project description. max. 5 points
5. Alignment with the overall action and the objectives of the whole project and the Lot organisation is applying to. The proposed outputs/ activities should be in line with the objectives of the Lot organisation applies to. max. 5 points
6. Gender mainstreaming and capacity to reach and include vulnerable groups (women, older persons, people with disabilities, etc.) in the proposed activities If not targeting directly, the project should take into consideration gender, age and diversity related aspects. max. 5 points
7. Relevance of the project for the local communities. The project should be based on the needs of target community/ies; clear justification should be provided. max. 5 points
8. Full package of the required documents submitted. Please refer to the section Application Process. max. 5 points
Additional Criteria
9. Previous experience with PIN. In the Annex 1_Application Form, please mention your previous experience with PIN. Max. 5 points
10. Innovative approaches and novel solutions that differentiate the project from conventional methods; additional benefits and positive impacts. The project proposal must present a creativity, render an added value and a unique idea in accordance with the proposed objectives and goal. It should demonstrate good cohesion of the components/ activities of the project plan and their feasibility in delivering the proposed outcomes. Max. 5 points
11. Experience and capacity of the organization to implement the proposed project. The applicant’s operational capacities (staff, equipment, etc) and the experience (successful implementation of the projects in similar sphere) allow to implement the proposed project and are demonstrated in the Application. Max. 5 points
12. The plan for ensuring the continuity and sustainability of activities after the project is completed. The applicant envisages and clearly defines the sustainability of the actions and results planned within the project. Max. 5 points
Due Diligence:
Before the grant allocation, each partner short-listed in the selection process will need to undergo PIN Partner Assessment procedure. The requirement will be communicated after the first stage of selection
Dates and Timeline:
- Info session: 4th July2024 at 2 pm, meeting will last for one hour and a half, link for the meeting:
Meeting ID: 850 1860 2030
Passcode: 265234
- First Results of the Selection Process can be expected: after 1st July 2024
- Announcement of results: PIN will reach out to all participants of the call regardless of the results of evaluation of proposals within 1 months after application.
Application Process:
The application package shall contain the following documents:
1) Annex_A_Application Form (see the corresponding link under each LOT description above)
2) Annex_B_Budget Form (Excel);
3) Documents confirming your engagement with target communities (e.g. MoUs with local authorities; letters of support from authorities, partners and/or donors);
4) Confirmation of the organisation registration;
- It is strongly advised to submit Annex A and Annex B in Romanian OR Russian AND English;
- Please, send the full package to the e-mail address: concurs.moldova@peopleinneed.net
- In the heading of the letter write the name of the current Call for Proposals and the number of the Lot you are applying to (e.g "Moldova ASSIST", Lot XX).
- All applicants will receive feedback and/or final decision from PIN on the grants allocation within 1 month after application
PIN’s obligations towards grantees:
- PIN will provide grants for local organizations;
- PIN will organise information session before the application deadline and provide required templates for application;
- Successful grantees will receive necessary training and implementation support to enable delivery of assistance in line with humanitarian standards and protection principles;
- PIN will also request from partner to provide beneficiaries and other stakeholders with clear information on Complaints, Feedback and Response Mechanism (CFRM);
- To enable required quality reporting PIN will establish coordination meetings and provide partners with all templates for reporting.
Grantees’ obligations towards PIN:
- Successful grantees will need to go through PIN’s capacity-building programme to ensure the adherence to the UN cluster’s standards and PIN policies, especially for PIN’s Code of Conduct, procurement and MEAL;
- PIN’s grantees will need to go through PIN due Diligence Process (Emergency Partner Assessment Processes) before receiving the grant.
- Successful grantees will have to adhere to financial and narrative reporting requirements stated in the contract.
Accountability and Feedback Mechanism for partners
The accountability mechanism can be used for all matters under the direct influence of PIN, namely: humanitarian principles and standards that PIN adheres to, PIN's approach to working with partners, Code of Conduct and PIN's key policies.
If you have any complaints, suggestions and feedback please share through the following communication channels, it will be addressed in a safe confidential manner:
- cfrm.moldova@peopleinneed.net
- Free hotline number: 0 800 000 09
Note: In framework of a project of People in Need Moldova, we are mapping civil society organizations (CSOs) in Moldova. By surveying the majority of CSOs nationwide, we are creating a database with general information about these organizations, giving them priority access to new grant opportunities and other benefits. We invite all organizations to complete the questionnaires to increase their visibility and accessibility to donors.
Link to survey: https://survey123.arcgis.com/share/738c58bb2b34474ebfe577a77847de1f?portalUrl=https://edumoldova.maps.arcgis.com