Civil Society & Good Governance

Civil Society & Good Governance

© Photo: Dmitrii Vosimeric

People in Need Moldova aims to promote democratic values, inclusion of citizens in decision-making processes and transparency in the democratic process. We support local initiatives and encourage action groups to contribute to improving people's lives across the country. It is important to us that everyone knows their rights and freedoms and how they can contribute to the development of their communities.

Our projects include numerous disadvantaged people as beneficiaries, and we aim to include them in the active life of the country. We want them to be employed, to be part of local initiative groups and to have their voices heard by the authorities.

Transparency in decision-making is a fundamental pillar of democracy. Our projects aim to educate citizens about the media, combat misinformation and develop critical thinking. In this way, citizens can play an increasingly important role in local decision-making, as well as in monitoring budgets and projects implemented in their localities.

Young people play an important role in the life of every country. Moldova is facing an advanced braindrain phenomenon, defined as a massive migration of young and skilled people to more developed countries, where they can benefit from more opportunities for professional growth. On the other hand, many young people remaining in the Republic of Moldova prefer not to be involved in political processes and the proportion of those aged 18-25 participating in electoral exercises is relatively low. PIN Moldova aims to involve these young people as much as possible in the social life of the country, to encourage them to be active, to know their rights and to have as many opportunities for personal and professional development as possible.

Find out more about the role and challenges of civil society organizations from this interview of People in Need Moldova Country Director, Guillermo Llinas:

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Ongoing ActivitiesORPast Activities



INSPIRED aims to empower civil society organisations (CSOs) to actively engage in policy discussions at all levels. Given the fact that Moldova is moving forward with the EU accession process, this initiative will facilitate policy dialogue processes on civil society environment and relevant plans and programmes, recognising the importance of prioritising democracy.
CSOs outside Chișinău struggle to shape the public agenda, deepening the gap between the centre and the periphery and negatively affecting scores in indices measuring civil society participation and participatory democracy. That is why this Action puts Moldovan CSOs on the driver’s seat of their capacity development process by providing them with the necessary resources, skills, and platforms to engage in policy dialogue, advocacy, and community development initiatives across the country.
The Action will leverage the experience in policy dialogue and democracy strengthening of the Consortium consisting of Centrul de Politici și Reforme (CPR), the National Assistance Centre for NGOs in Moldova CONTACT (CC), European Partnership for Democracy (EPD), People in Need (PIN), the European Association of Local Democracy (ALDA) and Democracy Reporting International (DRI).
Cities and Regions for All (CR4A): Full Integration of Refugees and Migrants in Urban and Rural Environments

Cities and Regions for All (CR4A): Full Integration of Refugees and Migrants in Urban and Rural Environments

According to General Inspectorate for Migration (GIM) in 2023-2024, 48,512 people received temporary protection, of which almost half received the status in 2024. Most of the migrants and people under temporary protection concentrate in urban areas, for example only in Chisinau, the number totals 25,008 persons of which 6,588 are children. Moldova's alignment with the EU's New Pact on Migration and Asylum through its policies and strategies underscores commitment to effective migration management focusing on legal pathways and migrants' rights. The alignment between Moldova migration objectives and those of the EU is crucial to enhance the impact of proposed interventions under the project, aiming to better coordinate Moldova’s migration policies with those of the EU.
Although, international actors have been discussing extending the services (Social, health, education, etc) outlined by Moldovan Government in the National Development Plan presented in January 2024 to refugees and migrants, full integration of migrants and refugees still needs improvement and further discussions with involvement of the authorities of different levels, specifically LPAs and civil society to ensure mainstreaming of the national legislation to the local levels.

Currently, refugees and migrants face barriers to access essential services that exacerbate existing vulnerabilities and public servants lack sufficient skills in various areas (e.g. legal, policy, monitoring domains) of migration management: About three to six out of ten refugee households are unable to cover their basic needs. Vulnerable groups include the elderly, disabled, Roma, stateless individuals, with older refugees facing significant hardships. Despite ongoing educational reforms, Moldova sees low proficiency in key subjects, with disparities in school attendance, especially among rural and Roma children, and Ukrainian children (only 32% enrolled in schools).
Through this project, we aim to collaborate pro-efficiently with central and local authorities, but also with educational institutions in order to increase the integration and inclusion of migrants in Moldovan society.
Resilient Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership Region

Resilient Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership Region

Resilient Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership Region is a multi-country project funded by the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR).
The project aims to empower CSOs to become more effective protectors of civic space and drivers of democratisation, reform and recovery processes in the Eastern Partnership region.
The 24-month action will target at least 45 CSOs from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. Implementation will be led by People in Need’s Relief and Development Department (RDD) and Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (HRD), leveraging their expertise in civil society development, human rights protection, and democracy support globally.
While some nations have made significant progress in fostering collaboration between civil society and governments, others struggle with limitations that hinder their potential. To address these challenges and capitalize on opportunities for growth and networking within the sector, People in Need (PIN) has launched a proven track record in many countries initiative. Rooted in a human rights-based approach, this holistic action aims to empower CSOs to become resilient, inclusive, and trusted governance actors, thereby advancing the democratization process in the region.
The initiative focuses on enhancing CSOs' organizational, technical, and strategic communication capacities, enabling them to engage citizens, participate in policy dialogues, and advocate for initiatives that address priority issues. Additionally, it provides tailored support to CSOs operating in restrictive regimes, countries facing force majeure, and those in exile, bolstering their resilience and adaptability in the face of evolving challenges.
Furthermore, the initiative fosters collaboration among CSOs at both national and regional levels, encouraging collective action to advance democratic processes and develop solutions to regional challenges.
"Resilient Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership Region" is a regional project developed by People in Need, funded by the European Union and co-funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, within the "Transition" Cooperation Program
Capacity building of RO—MD NGOs on cross-border cooperation for supporting Ukrainian refugees

Capacity building of RO—MD NGOs on cross-border cooperation for supporting Ukrainian refugees

The main goals of the project are to ensure interactive, flexible and individualized processes for the CSOs working with Ukrainian refugees in order to foster local and cross-border collaboration between them, both within Romania and Moldova. Furthermore, the project aims to enhance the capacity of the supported CSOs to identify innovative solutions for the long-term sustainability of their activities. This includes expanding the impact and improving the quality of the services provided to support Ukrainian refugees.
The project targets at least 18 civil society organisations (10 CSOs from Romania and 8 CSOs from Moldova), which provide services for war-affected people, especially Ukrainian refugees, and promote their integration into host communities.
In the first phase, project activities will focus on training, specific workshops on organisational development and capacity building, improving know-how in working with vulnerable groups and humanitarian interventions, social standards and practices, advocacy and communication methods, application of MEAL tools. These activities will be tailored to the identified needs of each participating CSO. Subsequently, cross-border study visits will be arranged in Romania and Moldova for all 18 CSOs involved. These visits will provide an opportunity to exchange best practices and observe how CSOs in the neighbouring country approach interventions related to refugees. Finally, a network of CSOs will be established to facilitate continuous exchange of good practices and encourage partnerships. Through dedicated actions and workshops, this network will also facilitate the identification of cross-border collaboration opportunities between the CSOs.
Civil Society for Increasing social responsibility in Moldova

Civil Society for Increasing social responsibility in Moldova

The overall objective of the submitted sub-project, which is part of the already running EU-funded project „EU4Accountability – Empowered Civil Society for Increased Social Accountability in Moldova” is to empower Moldovan civil society organisations’ (CSOs) to better perform their role as actors of governance and thus improve social accountability of the local and central government of Moldova. It does so by strengthening the capacity of more than 60 organisations from 10 districts to participate in, monitor and advocate for greater public accountability and to take part in policy dialogue with the Local Public Authorities (LPAs) and the central government.
The original project is implemented by a Consortium of three organisations: the lead organisation, the European Partnership for Democracy (EPD), and the co-applicants People in Need (PIN) and European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA) which are members of the EPD network. Activities supported by Czech Development Aid will include provision of small grant projects on development of social accountability mechanisms through participatory budgeting and monitoring of public policy making, establishment of participation platforms to promote interests of underrepresented groups of citizens and promotion of best international practices on social accountability.
Resilient Civil Society and Media Respond to Ukraine War

Resilient Civil Society and Media Respond to Ukraine War

The project is funded by the Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR) of European Commission. It is a regional project, implemented by the consortium led by Czech NGO People in Need (PIN) in partnership with Prague Civil Society Center and Netherlands Helsinki Committee.  

It concerns a 24-month intervention to provide civil society and independent media in the EaP + region with the skills and financial resources to effectively respond to the needs of the conflict-affected population. It aims to contribute to a resilient civil society and independent media in and from Ukraine and EaP+ region empowered to respond to the evolving needs of those affected by the Ukraine war. 

In Moldova, 8 selected CSOs (emerging and well established CSOs currently working to support conflict-affected population in Ukraine) will receive capacity development support, Operational Grants to be further eligible for Service Provision Grants to develop skills and capacities to respond to the needs of the war-affected populations, as well as for delivering an increased and more inclusive range of services. 

Civil society and independent media will have the skills, operational capacities and financial resources to safely respond to the needs of the affected population. To insure that, a set of trainings ranging from the basics in Humanitarian Response and Service Provision Standards, including CHS and adherence to Do No Harm principles to Stress management/Psychological First Aid will be provided to the selected CSOs.  

In addition to the required trainings, target CSOs will have the option to receive further organizational capacity development to support their strategic goals. Based on the specific capacity building needs identified by the target CSOs, PIN will organize activities tailored to cover the identified gaps. Depending on the needs, context and available budget, the capacity development activities could include trainings, individual coaching and mentoring and on-site consultation. 

Community-based Media Literacy – One World in Schools component: Building on its extensive experience in the region, PIN will implement community-based media literacy activities in Moldova. By working directly with CSOs and their constituencies, PIN’s well-established One World in Schools (OWIS) documentary films methodology will take a community-driven approach to counter disinformation and support the development of critical media literacy skills in dominant and non-dominant communities in both countries. CSOs will then be invited to apply to the OWIS Media Literacy Program via an open call for participation in Moldova. 4 CSOs selected within OWIS component have been selected in Moldova.  

One World in Schools (OWIS) is PIN’s human rights and civic education methodology that uses documentary films to initiate critical reflection exercises within schools and the community. To date, OWIS has been implemented in 13 countries worldwide and since 2016, OWIS has extended its methodology to include an extensive media literacy package focused on supporting young people and communities critically analyze media and counter disinformation. 

EU4Accountability - Empowered Civil Society for Increased Social Accountability in Moldova

EU4Accountability - Empowered Civil Society for Increased Social Accountability in Moldova

“EU4Accountability - Empowered Civil Society for Increased Social Accountability in Moldova” is a 30-months project implemented by a consortium of three organisations: European Partnership for Democracy (EPD), ALDA - European Association for Local Democracy and the Czech non-governmental organisation People in Need. It is financed by the European Union. The project runs from January 2022 to June 2024. 

EU4Accountability seeks to empower Moldovan civil society organisations’ (CSOs) to better perform their role as actors of governance, so that they can improve social accountability of the local and central government of Moldova. It does so by strengthening the capacity of more than 60 grassroot organisations from 10 districts to participate in, monitor and advocate for greater public accountability and to take part in policy dialogue with the Local Public Authorities (LPAs) and the central government. 

Through a series of capacity building activities, joint monitoring, advocacy actions, and networking workshops, civil society and public authorities are empowered to co-design local public policies in the wide social sphere through consultations throughout the budget cycle. A learning-by-doing approach allow the capacitated CSOs to establish meaningful local partnerships and alliances with LPAs that will result in change-making coalitions to close the accountability gap and respond to the needs of communities. 

One of the key aims of EU4Accountability is to raise the capacities of local actors to better serve their communities by contributing to the budgetary process and local public policies, notably social policies, in a participatory and inclusive approach. To achieve that, capacity development support is provided throughout the project to both local authorities and CSOs from the following 10 districts: Cahul, Comrat, Cimișlia, Fălești, Florești, Glodeni, Rîșcani, Strășeni, Ștefan Vodă, Telenești. 

The 50 CSOs selected to be partners of the project in the target districts are running projects on social accountability. They are implementing the project proposals in regard to CSO development strategies, monitoring public policies, strengthening social accountability mechanisms and promoting an open exchange of ideas by organising exchanges of experience between CSOs participating in project. 

EU COVID-19 Solidarity Programme for the Eastern Partnership

EU COVID-19 Solidarity Programme for the Eastern Partnership

The aim of this project is to mitigate the adverse effects of COVID-19 and to contribute to longer-term socio-economic resilience of vulnerable groups in Eastern Europe. Under the implementation of People in Need (PIN), and in partnership with the Netherlands Helsinki Committee (NHC) and AFEW International (AFEW), the project aims to propose a set of interventions in several countries, including Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine.

PIN recognises the critical role local civil society organisations (CSOs) and independent media play in service delivery, community mobilisation, awareness raising, policy engagement, and advocacy for the protection of human rights and civic freedoms during and after the pandemic. We will support the CSOs and other civic actors to mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable populations by empowering them with services and access to accurate information.

PIN will capitalise on its in-depth field-level knowledge to support CSOs that focus on community-level initiatives, watchdog programmes, and local independent journalism. Our partners NHC and AFEW are specialised in activities to improve human rights protection for responsible persons in closed institutions and key populations at risk for public health concerns like HIV, TB, and viral hepatitis. We will provide grant support to NGOs working with these beneficiaries and assist them in developing strengthened monitoring, reporting, advisory, agenda-setting, and advocacy work.
Civil Society Actors as Drivers of Change in the South Caucasus and Moldova

Civil Society Actors as Drivers of Change in the South Caucasus and Moldova

This regional project aims to support newly established civil society organisations, grassroots groups, civic initiatives, and social and cultural movements in their roles as trusted actors advancing the democratic process in the countries of the South Caucasus region and the Republic of Moldova.
With support from the project team and skilled facilitators, each selected organisation will develop strategies to strengthen its role in society and encourage the systemic change it is working to influence. Participants will have a chance to assess their own capacities and access tailored trainings, coaching, mentoring, consultations, study visits, and fellowships. They will also be able to strengthen connections with their communities, supporters, and volunteers, as well as to network with peers and partners in Armenia, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and other countries.
Moreover, the selected organisations will have access to resources for research, building of thematic expertise, and participation in policy dialogues at the local, national, and international levels. They will explore if, why, and how to engage with the private sector, and how to self-organise and manage resources in an effective, transparent, and accountable way. Finally, project participants will be able to apply for flexible funding to support their organisational development and public campaigns.
Community planning of social services through public dialogue

Community planning of social services through public dialogue

The project aimed at meeting the social needs of vulnerable individuals by developing a community-based planning mechanism in Moldova. Results include increased capacity and knowledge of the Ministry to support community planning, enhanced capacity of public administration at various levels in community planning, and strengthened partnerships between non-governmental providers and public administration for effective community planning.
“Community planning of social services through public dialogue” Project

“Community planning of social services through public dialogue” Project

Social services should meet the real needs of people, including of vulnerable groups, that’s why they should be involved in planning of services at community level. This project aims at supporting local public authorities from Cahul, Glodeni and Strășeni districts to plan the social services together with the beneficiaries and representatives of civil society, using the principles and advantages of a public, inclusive dialogue. The main activities that will be realised within the project are: 1) sharing experience of public authorities from the Czech Republic regarding the community planning of social services; 2) analysis of capacities and resources for planning and providing social services; 3) preparation of the methodological guide for community planning and its dissemination among authorities, social services providers; 4) training of public administration staff responsible for the preparation of community plans; 5) informing and involving the public into the process of planning social services; 6) finalising and approving the Community Plans in the three designated districts; 7) capacity building of local civil society organisations on strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation, participatory budgeting and advocacy. The project is implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection.
Support and Assistance to the Social Sector of Moldova

Support and Assistance to the Social Sector of Moldova

The project aimed to establish a sustainable social services system in Moldova, enhancing home care services and facilitating social service management on a local level. Results included an internship program, needs assessment, increased capacities and cooperation, establishment of advisory committees, and the introduction/improvement of social services based on district strategies.

New Impulse for Business Development in the Northern Region of Moldova

New Impulse for Business Development in the Northern Region of Moldova

The project "New Impulse for Business Development in the Northern Region of Moldova" aimed to enhance economic sustainability and employment in Moldova's North region by supporting productive activities, creating new job opportunities, and fostering the growth of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through improved access to financial services. By achieving these objectives, the project made a significant contribution to SDG 8, "Decent Work and Economic Growth."

The project's beneficiaries included SMEs in the North region, Business Associations, Business Incubators in Soroca, Singerei, and Edinet, Regional Development Agencies (RDA), local public authorities, and students from Balti University.

Key outcomes and results of the project include the establishment of 44 new SMEs, generating 217 job positions between 2017 and 2019. Additionally, 43 supported SMEs experienced a minimum 20% increase in turnover during the same period. The project successfully established a new information center at RDA North by the end of 2018, serving over 150 individuals and 468 clients throughout its duration. Furthermore, two employees at the Business Info Centre enhanced their knowledge and skills in business development.
The project's impact on beneficiaries was substantial, as it facilitated the establishment of new SMEs, generated employment opportunities, and increased the turnover of supported SMEs.

It also provided access to financial services and capacity-building initiatives, strengthening the business skills and knowledge of local entrepreneurs. Furthermore, the project aimed to enhance the institutional framework for local business development by empowering local public authorities and establishing sustainable institutions like the Business Info Centre. The project's efforts extended beyond economic aspects, emphasizing environmental protection and promoting healthy lifestyles among the beneficiaries.
Enhancing civil society and local democratic development in rural Moldova

Enhancing civil society and local democratic development in rural Moldova

The objective of the project is to establish a Local Action Group (LAG) in the Straseni and Anenii Noi district that includes the 11 selected villages and to strengthen the link between the private, public and civil society sectors through harmonizing their activities in a participatory approach. It has the objective to improve capacities of local civil society organizations, local authorities, and the business sector in order to participate in joint decision-making processes, policy dialogues, and accountability mechanisms in the 11 targeted villages from central regions of Moldova.
Strengthening of civil society -Support of Small CSOs& initiative groups in Moldova/Transnistria

Strengthening of civil society -Support of Small CSOs& initiative groups in Moldova/Transnistria

This project was dedicated to foster a functioning civil society in Moldova and Transnistria while expediting their journey towards democratization. By strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations (CSOs) and raising awareness among the public, the project helped to drive positive change and promote civic participation in addressing societal challenges.

More specifically, the project focused on bolstering the capabilities of CSOs and initiative groups in Transnistria and Moldova to identify and tackle pressing societal issues. Through targeted training programs and knowledge sharing, these organizations gained the necessary expertise to make a meaningful impact. The project supported the implementation of 20 projects through small grants, facilitating the consolidation of the non-state civil sector. Additionally, representatives from the civil sector participated in training seminars, English language courses, study trips to the Czech Republic, and long-term internships, empowering them to provide guidance and assistance to other organizations and initiatives.

In addition to that, local civic initiatives in Moldova were equipped with the skills needed to engage citizens and implement projects aimed at solving local problems. Training program focused on societal transformation, project design, and implementation, enabling CSOs and local initiatives to collaborate effectively with local authorities. By actively involving 20 civic initiatives from selected regions in solving local challenges, the project fostered citizen participation and enhanced the impact of these initiatives.

The project also raised awareness about the situation in Moldova and Transnistria among international stakeholders and the general public. Through engagement with European policymakers, decision-makers, and the Czech public, the project strenghten understanding and support for the ongoing challenges in these regions.
Supporting the development of civil society in selected regions of Moldova

Supporting the development of civil society in selected regions of Moldova

In collaboration with local authorities and in partnership with Czech organisation AGORA CE, PIN Moldova implemented an empowering project aimed at activating the young generation and civil society in Moldova. The project's core objective was to encourage their active involvement in public debates and affairs within selected communities.

One of the project's focus was to enhance the civic competencies of secondary school students. Through interactive workshops and debates, students developed vital communication skills and gained practical experience engaging with representatives from local administrations and civil society. This enabled them to actively contribute to public discourse and shape their communities' development.

Another important outcome of the project was the strengthened skills of local non-governmental organizations (CSOs) in involving citizens in decision-making processes regarding public affairs. By fostered collaboration between CSOs, citizens, and local authorities, the project created an inclusive platform for diverse voices to participate in shaping community development.