CSO Compass: Civil society mapping, study and civil society development plan launched with EU support

Published: Mar 3, 2025 Reading time: 4 minutes
CSO Compass: Civil society mapping, study and civil society development plan launched with EU support
© Photo: People in Need

On the occasion of International Day of NGOs, a series of initiatives and studies that will support Moldovan civil society organizations in the long term were presented. Thus, the experts involved in the development of the presented tools provided valuable recommendations for public authorities and international donors, which are designed to support the continuation and deepening of the active role of CSOs in promoting change and reforms in the Republic of Moldova.

"Civil society is the solid foundation of our democracy. Constant support to this sector is essential for our European future, and the Government continues to work with non-state actors to ensure their active involvement in the decision-making process, thus contributing to building a stronger and more prosperous society,"
said Ana Calinici, Secretary of State, Government of the Republic of Moldova at the opening of the event marking the totality of the joint effort dedicated to strengthening civil society organizations (CSOs) in the Republic of Moldova. 

Tools launched include:

CSO Map: This interactive online tool, developed with the support of Trimetrica, facilitates coordination and communication between civil society organizations, public authorities and the international community. The map provides a clear visualization of active organizations, allowing for a better connection of actors from different sectors. Organizations that did not initially participate in the mapping have the possibility to register by accessing the form HERE.

CSO Study: In collaboration with the Contact Centre, the survey assesses the capacities, needs and resilience of civil society organizations in the Republic of Moldova. Based on evidence, it provides a solid foundation for future interventions, focusing on grassroots organizations and emerging initiatives that are key contributors to the country's civic landscape. The study identifies the challenges and needs of these organizations and provides recommendations for their continued support.

CSO Capacity Development Plan: This plan reflects the views of local organizations and identifies key areas where continued growth and training is needed. The main objective of the plan is to guide relevant actors, including public authorities and international donors, in supporting the development of a stronger and more effective civil society sector in Moldova.

“We are very pleased to have supported the development of the CSO Compass platform and to demonstrate our strong commitment to the democratic development of the country. We believe that only through the active involvement of the entire society, the country has a strong chance of moving forward firmly and faster on the path of European integration. And we will stand by and continue to support the development and empowerment of civil society to support the authorities in carrying out the necessary reforms to become a member state of the European community,”
said Magdalena Mueller-Uri, Head of the Cooperation Section, Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova.

The CSO Compass initiative was launched by People in Need in 2023, with funding from the European Union and People in Need, with the aim to map, analyze and highlight the current situation of CSOs, main challenges and opportunities in a critical period of transition. In addition, the challenges for CSOs was marked by the reduction of humanitarian funding after the peak period generated by the Ukrainian refugee crisis, but also influenced by the reforms associated with the EU accession process of the Republic of Moldova.

Pavla Stefanova, Deputy Regional Director for Eastern Partnerships and the Balkans at People in Need, underlined the importance of this collection of tools and studies:
"These initiatives reflect our organization's commitment to strengthen the civil society sector in the Republic of Moldova based on the experience brought from the Czech Republic, in order to provide a clear framework for the support and continuous development of this sector crucial for change in the country."

The materials presented in the CSO Compass initiative "Exploring the landscape of civil society organizations in Moldova through mapping, research and CSO platform" are produced in the framework of the "PLACE" consortium funded by the European Union together with People in Need, REACH (IMPACT Initiatives), Acted, NRC - Norwegian Refugee Council, through the EU Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid.

Info note: People in Need Moldova is a non-governmental organization active in the Republic of Moldova for over 20 years, reaching every tenth inhabitant of the country with assistance through partnerships with over 146 organizations. Its work focuses on supporting vulnerable people in diverse communities, addressing key needs such as education, health and social support, thus contributing to sustainable solutions and a more equitable and resilient society.

Author: People in Need Moldova

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