Published: Jul 3, 2024 Reading time: 11 minutes
© Photo: PIN Moldova


Background information about People in Need

People in Need (PIN) is a Czech-based international non-profit organization founded on the principles of humanism, freedom, equality, and solidarity, with a focus on human dignity and freedom. Operating in over 20 countries, PIN provides humanitarian and development aid to vulnerable populations.

Since 2004, PIN has been active in Moldova, supporting individuals, civil society, and institutions. PIN Moldova has a strong track record in empowering civil society and promoting participatory processes through grants and partnerships.


The project is funded by the European Union and implemented by People in Need Moldova and aims to improve access to quality public services and social cohesion. The European Union and the Government of Moldova are working together to support sectoral reforms and the EU accession process. A key aspect of this effort is to inform and engage the general public in understanding and supporting these reforms. Through this call for grants, we aim to fund projects that implement communication & awareness campaigns aimed at raising responsiveness and understanding of the reforms and the EU accession process.

- To increase awareness and understanding of sectoral reforms among the general public.

- To inform citizens about the benefits and impact of the EU accession process.

- Promote a constructive dialogue between communities, authorities, and civil society organizations.

- Combating misinformation and promoting transparency in the reform and accession process.

Eligible Activities & Criteria

Project proposals must include activities to be developed between 01 August – 30 October 2024 that respond to the above objectives, such as:

- Media Campaigns: Production and dissemination of TV/radio spots, press articles, social media posts, and other multimedia materials promoting the generic message "Reforms for a European Future"* .

- Conferences and Public Events: Organisation of conferences, seminars, and workshops to inform and involve communities in discussions about reforms and EU membership.

- Information Materials: Creation and distribution of brochures, leaflets, guides, and other educational materials explaining the reforms and benefits of EU membership.

To be eligible, applicants must meet the following criteria:

- Be a civil society organization (CSO), media, or other non-governmental entity.

- Demonstrate relevant experience in the field of communication, civic education, or community engagement.

- Submit a detailed plan of activities, a realistic budget, and a clear implementation strategy.

Areas of implementation

• Throughout the Republic of Moldova: north, center and south.

Evaluation Criteria:

Project proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

- The extent to which the proposal meets the objectives of the grant call.

- Quality of the Activity Plan. Clarity and feasibility of the proposed activities as well as innovation in communication methods.

- Experience and capacity of the organization to implement the proposed project.

- Potential of the project to reach the target audience and have a significant impact.

- The plan for ensuring the continuity and sustainability of activities after the project is completed.

Main Criteria

Criteria Explanation Points

1. Reached indicators/target groups covered by the project Number of unique persons reached within (the members of the community) supported by the proposed project max. 5 points

2. Cost-effectiveness Costs are well-justified and relevant for the proposed activities and can ensure achieving project results (incl. sufficient staff and equipment for implementation of activities, reporting, documenting, ensuring quality) max. 5 points

3. Creativity, added value, unique idea… Raising awareness activities foreseen in the proposed campaign The campaign proposal must present creativity and have the best understanding, render added value and a unique idea by the proposed objectives and goals max. 5 points

4. Alignment with the overall action and objective of the project The proposed outputs/ activities should be in line with the objectives of the project max. 5 points

5. Region coverage and vulnerable groups (women, older persons, people with disabilities, etc. in the proposed activities If not targeting directly, the project should take into consideration regional aspects max. 5 points

8. Full package of the required documents submitted Please refer to the section Application Process max. 5 points

Additional Criteria

10. Overall quality of project design (idea, activities, cohesiveness, timing) max. 5 points

11. Previous experience with PIN In the Annex 1_Application Form, please mention your previous experience with PIN. Max. 5 points

Duration and Funding:

- Proposed activities must be implemented starting 01 August 2024 up to the end of the year.

- Available total budget available for this call for grants is [24000 euro]. Each project may request funding between [minimum 5000 Euro] and [maximum 8000 euro].

Application Process:

- Proposals must include the completed application form, detailed budget, timetable of activities, and CVs of the project team.

- The deadline for submission of proposals is [10.07.2024].

- Applicants must submit proposals via [method of submission - email, online platform, etc.].

Monitoring and Evaluation:

As per PIN’s Application Evaluation procedures, each applicant will receive points based on the package of submitted documents and compliance with the specified criterion. The applicants with the highest scores will receive grant support. Selected projects will be subject to continuous monitoring and evaluation to ensure the achievement of objectives and the efficient use of funds. Beneficiaries will be required to submit regular reports and a detailed final report at the end of the project.

For further questions and clarifications, please contact [xxx] at [email] or [phone].

Activities may include, considering the list as a recommendation:

1. Regional Radio and TV Programs

• Weekly Talk Shows: Develop weekly talk shows on local radio and TV stations featuring discussions on sectoral reforms and EU accession. Invite experts, government officials, and community leaders to provide insights and answer audience questions.

• Educational Documentaries: Produce documentaries that explain the history, process, and benefits of EU integration. These can include interviews with EU officials, Moldovan government representatives, and ordinary citizens.

• Local News Collaborations: Partner with local news outlets to create in-depth articles and reports on sectoral reforms, focusing on their impact on local communities. Use real-life success stories and testimonials from citizens who have benefited from these reforms.

2. Social Media Campaigns

• Use Social Media Pages: Create dedicated pages on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to share updates, educational content, and success stories related to reforms and EU integration.

• Infographics and Visual Content: Develop infographics and visual content that simplify complex information about sectoral reforms and EU benefits. Share these regularly to keep the audience engaged.

• Interactive Q&A Sessions: Host live Q&A sessions on social media with experts and officials to address public concerns and questions about reforms and EU accession.

• Hashtag Campaigns: Launch hashtag campaigns to create a sense of community and shared purpose. Examples could include #MoldovaReforms, #EUIntegration, and #FutureWithEU.

3. Online Content and Digital Platforms

• Informative Website: Develop a comprehensive website that serves as a central hub for all information related to sectoral reforms and EU accession. Include sections for news, FAQs, event calendars, and resources.

• Email Newsletters: Start an email newsletter that provides regular updates on reforms, upcoming events, and opportunities for public participation. Encourage citizens to subscribe through social media and the website.

• Educational Videos: Create short (up to 1.30 min), engaging videos explaining various aspects of sectoral reforms and EU accession. Share these videos on YouTube, social media, and the website.

4. Print Media Campaigns

• Informative Brochures and Flyers: Design and distribute brochures and flyers that explain sectoral reforms and the EU accession process in simple terms. These can be handed out at public events, government offices, and community centers.

• Newspaper Articles and Op-Eds: Publish articles and op-eds in regional and national newspapers to reach a broader audience. Include contributions from experts, policymakers, and community members.

• Posters and Billboards: Create posters and billboards with key messages about the benefits of sectoral reforms and EU integration. Place these in high-traffic areas such as markets, bus stations, and city centers.

5. Community Engagement through Media

• Local Influencers and Ambassadors: Engage local influencers and community leaders to act as ambassadors for the campaign. They can share personal stories and promote the campaign on their social media channels and in their communities.

• Media Partnerships: Partner with local media outlets to co-host events, run joint campaigns, and ensure consistent messaging across different media platforms.

6. Combating Misinformation

• Fact-Checking Initiatives: Set up a dedicated team to monitor and debunk misinformation related to sectoral reforms and EU integration. Share fact-checking reports through all media channels.

• Educational Campaigns on Media Literacy: Run campaigns to educate the public on how to identify and avoid misinformation. Provide tips on evaluating the credibility of news sources and recognizing fake news.

• Interactive Content: Develop interactive content such as quizzes and polls related to the EU and sectoral reforms to engage the audience and make learning more fun.

Expected results & Quantitative Metrics of Success:

• Higher awareness and improved understanding of sectoral reforms and EU accession among the general public.

• Increased public engagement in discussions and activities related to reforms and EU integration.

• Improved interaction and trust between communities, authorities, and civil society organizations.

• Reduced spread of misinformation.

• Increased media literacy among the public.

• Broader reach of campaign messages through traditional and digital media.

• Successful dissemination of informative content with positive public feedback.

• Higher levels of public support for Moldova's EU accession.

• Shift in public attitudes towards recognizing the benefits of sectoral reforms.

• Enhanced involvement and stronger partnerships with civil society organizations.

• Increased media content consumption and higher engagement on social media.

• Positive survey trends indicating increased awareness and understanding.

• Higher attendance and participation rates in campaign events and public forums.

Additional information (all five lots):

Ineligible activities. The following types of activities are ineligible: a) actions which relate solely or mainly to individual sponsorship for participation in workshops, seminars, conferences, congresses; b) actions which relate solely or mainly to individual scholarships for studies or training courses; c) actions supporting political parties or election candidates; d) retrospective funding for projects already under implementation or completed; e) projects for the exclusive benefit of individuals or small groups of individuals. Also, no environmentally damaging projects will be funded.

Partners Eligibility Criteria:

For all five lots, in order to be eligible, the applicants should: a) be a legal entity officially registered (only mandatory for big grants, small and medium will be directed to grassroot or volunteer groups); b) and be non-profit making; c) be established in the Republic of Moldova; d) be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action, not acting as an intermediary; e) have relevant experience in the topic of the scheme; f) Specific calls might require experience in cooperating with Local Public Authorities; g) Demonstrated evidence of managing funds of a similar budget size; h) No record of illegal and unethical activity (corruption, fraud); i) no political party affiliation.

Due Diligence:

Before the grant allocation, each partner short-listed in the selection process will need to undergo PIN Partner Assessment procedure. The requirement will be communicated after the first stage of selection

Dates and Timeline:

• Opening of the competition: 17th June 2024

• Info session: 24th June 2024 at 2 pm, meeting will last for one hour and a half, link for the meeting: Time: Jun 24, 2024 02:00 PM Chisinau

• Join Zoom Meeting


• Meeting ID: 850 1860 2030

• Passcode: 265234

• First Results of the Selection Process can be expected: after 1st July 2024

• Announcement of results: PIN will reach out to all participants of the call regardless of the results of evaluation of proposals within 1 months after application.

Application Process:

• Prepare the required documents: 1) Annex_1_PIN_SOS_grants_Application Form (docx); 2) Annex_2_PIN_SOS_grants_Budget Form (excel); 4) Confirmation of the organisation’s registration; 3) Documents confirming your engagement with target communities (e.g. MoUs with local authorities; letters of support from authorities, partners and/or donors); It is strongly advised to submit Annex 1 and Annext 2 in Romanian OR Russian AND English;

• Send the full package to the e-mail address:

• In the heading of the letter write the name of the current Call for Proposals and the number of the Lot you are applying to (e.g XXXX, Lot2).

• All applicants will receive the final decision from PIN on the grants allocation within 1 months after application

PIN’s obligations towards grantees:

• PIN will provide grants for local organizations;

• PIN will organise information session before the application deadline and provide required templates for application;

• Successful grantees will receive necessary training and implementation support to enable delivery of assistance in line with humanitarian standards and protection principles;

• PIN will also request from partner to provide beneficiaries and other stakeholders with clear information on Complaints, Feedback and Response Mechanism (CFRM);

• To enable required quality reporting PIN will establish coordination meetings and provide partners with all templates for reporting.

Grantees’ obligations towards PIN:

• Successful grantees will need to go through PIN’s capacity-building programme to ensure the adherence to the UN cluster’s standards and PIN policies, especially for PIN’s Code of Conduct, procurement and MEAL;

• PIN’s grantees will need to go through PIN due Diligence Process (Emergency Partner Assessment Processes) before receiving the grant;

• Successful grantees will have to adhere to financial and narrative reporting requirements stated in the contract.

Accountability and Feedback Mechanism for partners

The accountability mechanism can be used for all matters under the direct influence of PIN, namely: humanitarian principles and standards that PIN adheres to, PIN's approach to working with partners, Code of Conduct and PIN's key policies.

If you have any complaints, suggestions and feedback please share through the following communication channels, it will be addressed in a safe confidential manner:


• Free hotline number: 0 800 000 09 

Autor: PIN Moldova

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