Call for proposals for CSOs and private companies

Brief description of PIN's support:
People in Need (PIN) is a Czech-based international non-profit organisation, we are founded on the principles of humanism, freedom, equality, and solidarity, with a focus on human dignity and freedom. Operating in over 20 countries, we provide humanitarian and development aid to people in crises. We have worked in Moldova since 2004 where we are supporting individuals, civil society, and institutions. PIN Moldova has a strong track record in empowering civil society and promoting participatory processes through grants and partnerships. The financial support covering this call is issued by our SOS-Ukraine fund (provided by donations to our SOS-Ukraine Emergency Appeal). We launched SOS-Ukraine in February 2022 to raise funds from Czech citizens and companies to support people in Ukraine whom Russia's war has impacted. This fund has become our greatest instrument in supporting local civil society organisations in providing assistance and social services and addressing the challenges faced by refugees, migrants, and other people in difficult situations in Moldova. To achieve the programme's goals, we will select projects from civil society actors via this call for proposals.
Over two years of displacement have left refugees from Ukraine at risk of poverty; with insufficient social protection compounding existing barriers to socioeconomic inclusion, some groups with vulnerabilities have been overlooked. In addition, the war, its associated inflation and the current economic and labour market situation in Moldova have taken an even heavier toll on Moldovans without the means to endure these changes. At present, humanitarian cash transfers are being further targeted and reduced in volume while legislation for self-employment, patenta or activitate indepediente is still to be reformed, and these mechanisms remain inaccessible for refugees and challenging for Moldovans. The support available from the State and international development actors for refugees—and Moldovans at risk of poverty—residing in the Republic of Moldova is insufficient to cover basic needs and provide a decent income.
Areas of implementation
• In the northern raions of the Republic of Moldova: (Balti, Briceni, Drochia, Dondușeni, Edinet, Falesti, Floresti, Glodeni, Rișcani, Ocnita, Singerei, Soroca)
The objective of the call
Submitted proposals must address at least one of the following mandatory requirements:
• Creating jobs for and employing refugees from Ukraine (regardless of their nationality)
• Creating jobs for and employing Moldovans at risk of poverty (with a priority for people with disabilities, elderly and single mothers)
• Providing services and facilities to facilitate access to employment for refugees from Ukraine and Moldovans at risk of poverty
• Involving Ukrainian business partners
• Promoting business-oriented, financially viable and sustainable social goods and services to the people in Moldova who need them most
Your organisation can apply to only one Lot in this call:
• Lot 1. Promoting social entrepreneurship (Private companies and CSOs): Activities may be aimed at promoting social entrepreneurship with a focus on 'green' (e.g., protection of natural resources, recycling, reforestation, etc.) or socially-oriented initiatives (e.g., production and distribution of urgently needed items, hot meals, business involving older and people with disabilities). The activities can involve setting up production units and creating distribution networks. Additional activities may include holding recruitment events, setting up business incubators, and organising networking opportunities. Support services like legal assistance, financial support, and counselling should facilitate integration and business development.
• Lot 2. Promoting employment and income generation activities (CSOs): Activities may include promoting livelihood activities, employment and income generation by CSOs; potential actions include organising job fairs, offering resume writing or career development workshops, and providing job placement services tailored for Ukrainians and Moldovans at risk of poverty. Initiatives might also involve skill development programmes, entrepreneurship training, and creating platforms for networking and mentorship to support Ukrainians in securing employment or starting businesses, thus enhancing their economic self-sufficiency and integration into the community. Please note that technical and vocational education and training (TVET) activities are not eligible.
Expected duration of the project:
• At least 4 months of implementation (with the possibility of extension in the event of project success)
• Possible start date: 1 September 2024
• Latest initial end date: 31 March 2025
Your project should aim to serve the following groups of people:
• Refugees from Ukraine
• Older people
• Youth
• Women
• People with Disabilities
• Roma Communities
Please note that PIN has an overall target of at least 50% of refugees from Ukraine benefiting from this call. We highly encourage the inclusion of this target group, although it is not a strict requirement.
Eligible Implementers:
• CSOs (Civil Society Organisations): Non-profit organisations dedicated to various social causes for Lot 1 and Lot 2;
• Private Companies: Businesses willing to contribute to social development through targeted programmes for Lot 1 strictly;
Eligibility Criteria:
• Eligible Costs: Funding can be used for equipment to improve certain areas or expand services, as well as for salaries and other operational expenses;
• Ineligible Costs: TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) courses are not eligible for funding; sub-granting.
• Non-Eligible: Applicants are ineligible if they appear on international or national sanctions lists or have a history of illegal activities, fraud, or corruption. Additionally, entities with ties to politically exposed persons or those involved in ongoing legal proceedings related to unethical practices.
Three types of grants are available:
• Small grant €1,000 – €5,000
• Medium grant €5,001 – €10,000
• Large grant €10,001 – €20,000
Grants will be provided based on the decision of PIN's Evaluation Committee (see Criteria for Applications Evaluation). To increase your chances of getting a grant, PIN encourages organisations to submit realistic and well-thought-out proposals as well as prove their track record and capacity to manage the size of the grant requested. The number of the grants is limited.
Criteria for Applications Evaluation:
As per PIN's Application Evaluation procedures, each applicant will receive points based on the package of submitted documents and compliance with the specified criterion. The maximum score is 100 Points. The applicants with the highest scores will receive grant support.
1. Organisational capacities: The applicant organisation demonstrates sufficient organisational capacities (years of existence, financial volume in the past year, team size, permanent human resources, similar size of projects, etc.) compared to its requested grant size. PIN's past grantee's performance will be assessed and can positively or negatively affect this category. Max. 20 points
2. Organisational experience: The applicant has experience relevant to the respective Lot (e.g. supporting groups, such as displaced persons and refugees) and in the proposed activities. Max. 20 points
3. Relevance: The applicants must demonstrate an understanding of the context, needs, and problems of the target communities, and project-related risks. The applicant must propose viable, innovative, and impactful actions. This category will mainly evaluate the content of the project narrative and the logic of the intervention. Max. 20 points
4. Financial Component: The applicant must submit financial documents proving high quality financial management (e.g. reports to donors, documents provided to FISC and Statistica). The proposal's financial costs must be reasonable, aligned with market prices, and presented in a transparent and detailed way. This category will mainly evaluate the structure, logic, and reasonability of the proposed budget regarding the proposed actions and targets. Max. 20 points
5. Performance and Sustainability: The applicant proposes good value for money targets and aims to use the financial resources with efficiency and effectiveness, aiming to maximise the impact. The duration is appropriate for its aim, risks are adequately mitigated, and the overall sustainability of the proposed project is well-thought-out and ensured.
Max. 20 points
Dates and Timeline:
• Opening of the competition: 19 August 2024
• Info session: 21 August 2024 at 11:00 am; the meeting will last for one hour; link for the meeting: ZOOM link
• Application deadline: 31 August 2024 COB
Application Process:
• Prepare the required documents: 1) Annex_1_PIN_SOS_grants_Application Form (docx); 2) Annex_2_PIN_SOS_grants_Budget Form (excel); 3) Registration Certificate); It is strongly advised to submit Annex 1 and Annext 2 in Romanian or Russian and English.
• Send the complete package to the e-mail address before COB 31 August 2024:
PIN's obligations towards grantees:
• PIN will provide grants for local organisations;
• PIN will organise an information session before the application deadline and provide the required templates for the application;
• Successful grantees will receive necessary training and implementation support to enable the delivery of assistance in line with humanitarian standards and protection principles;
• PIN will also request from partner to provide beneficiaries and other stakeholders with clear information on the Complaints, Feedback and Response Mechanism (CFRM);
• To enable required quality reporting PIN will establish coordination meetings and provide partners with all templates for reporting.
Grantees' obligations towards PIN:
• Successful grantees will need to go through PIN's capacity-building programme to PIN policies, especially for PIN's Code of Conduct, procurement and MEAL;
• PIN's new grantees (those who have not received grants from PIN before) will need to go through Partner Assessment Processes before receiving the grant;
• Successful grantees will have to adhere to financial and narrative reporting requirements stated in the contract.
Accountability and Feedback Mechanism for Partners
The accountability mechanism is applicable to all matters under the direct influence of PIN, including but not limited to any fraud suspicions/allegations, adherence to humanitarian principles and standards, PIN's approach to working with partners, the Code of Conduct and PIN's key policies. All complaints, suggestions and feedback must be sent through the following communication channels:
• Free hotline number: 0 800 000 09
• WhatsApp/Viber: +373 60 98 99 05