"Disinformation in the Republic of Moldova - Journalists’ Perspective"

Published: Oct 2, 2023 Reading time: 2 minutes
© Photo: Dmitrii Vosimeric
On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the beginning of its work in our country, People in Need Moldova organised the public event "Disinformation in the Republic of Moldova – Journalists’ Perspective", which was addressed mainly to students of journalism faculties, but also to all those interested in human rights, media, political science and humanitarian principles. 

The event brought together students from several educational institutions, academics and journalists from investigative media and online platforms. The meeting was hosted by the State University of Moldova.

During the meeting, independent media representatives discussed the phenomenon of disinformation and shared best practices to counter it. The event provided a space for journalists to share their own experiences of working against disinformation with future colleagues, sharing stories of successes and failures, and describing the forms and shapes that disinformation can take.

Šimon Pánek, executive director and co-founder of People in Need, was present at the event and addressed the audience with a message about the important role of journalists and media in today's society. At the same time, Šimon Pánek encouraged media representatives to carry out their work honestly and professionally, and to counter any attempts at disinformation or propaganda so that the public receives only the truthful information.

The event was organised with the aim of helping to shed light on the phenomenon of disinformation in the Republic of Moldova, to promote professional journalistic ethics and to contribute to increasing public confidence in independent media institutions.

The activity was carried out with the support of the regional project "Civil society resilience and media response to the war in Ukraine", funded by the European Union in the Republic of Moldova and implemented in partnership with the Prague Civil Society Centre and the Netherlands Helsinki Committee.

Autor: Dmitrii Vosimeric, Communication assistant

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