It makes sense to go green together

Published: Dec 16, 2021 Reading time: 1 minute

Cooperation in the organic farming sector brings benefits both to farmers and the environment. The best example is provided by the members of the “EcoFerm” organic producers’ cooperative – they collected 700 tons of manure and green waste from 93 small farmers' households, and transported it to special composting platforms, located in the villages of Cuhureștii de Sus, Ghindești, Văscăuți, Olișcani, Rublenița and Logofteni in the North of the country.

It makes sense to go green together
© Photo: Alina Bușila

With the help of composting equipment and following the composting technology, the collected material went through a fermentation process and finally turned into ecological fertilizer – 500 tons of compost. The members of the “EcoFerm” cooperative distributed the obtained compost to the farmers involved in the composting programme, according to the volume of waste offered at the collection stage.

To show the benefits of cooperation in this sector, we created the following video:

Author: Natalia Rotaru, Ofițer de comunicare

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