Supporting the transition to an ecological and sustainable environment

Published: Jan 31, 2025 Reading time: 3 minutes
Supporting the transition to an ecological and sustainable environment
© Photo: People in Need

For over 20 years, we, at People in Need, have been active in fields such as natural resource management, environmental restoration, water management, and the implementation of agricultural projects – all of which contribute to combatting the effects of climate change.

To tackle the climate crisis, we collaborate with public authorities and communities to strengthen their resilience. We help build adaptation capacity and support the transition toward sustainable and environmentally friendly societies.

In Moldova, we have launched an initiative to promote sustainable and ecological practices within our partner organisations through the project "Capacity Building for Improving Environmental Sustainability through External Assistance." The initiative includes providing micro-grants for the development and implementation of greening projects to improve workspaces within partner organisations, using sustainable practices and methods such as:

• Adopting internal regulations regarding workplace sustainability;

• Waste management;

• Purchasing biodegradable and eco-friendly goods/services;

• Using eco-friendly transport;

• Implementing energy efficiency and electricity-saving measures;

• Water conservation measures;

• IT equipment maintenance measures.

"Sustainability has become a crucial concern in all fields, and the NGO sector is no exception. In recent years, PIN has made significant progress in adopting more environmentally friendly operations and supporting local NGOs in Moldova to improve their practices and adopt green solutions. We are deeply committed to sustainable development because the future depends on the choices we make every day. We are proud of our partners’ achievements, as they have improved their operations and adopted more sustainable practices. Their dedication inspires us to continue supporting local NGOs on their journey toward a greener future,"
stated Project Manager Xenia Martînov.

Additionally, to maximise efforts in developing sustainable operational practices, we conducted a training session on "Greening Humanitarian and Development Operations,". The training was attended by several participants, including partners who had already proposed and successfully implemented original projects within their organizations: The Institute for Rural Initiatives, the Legal Clinic, and the Sustainable Development Association – Generation Pro.

The Sustainable Development Association – Generation Pro received a micro-grant worth 32,000 MDL (approximately €1650) to implement this project within the Business Incubator, in Ștefan-Vodă. The initiative was appreciated by both entrepreneurs and children in the region who use the same facility for dance and taekwondo classes.

“We installed faucet aerators, purchased three waste sorting bins for glass, plastic, and paper. We installed LED bulbs and motion sensors, and the results are encouraging for everyone. The hallways have become brighter, more modern, and more functional, while electricity costs have decreased,”
said Adelina Barbăneagră, Project Manager of the Sustainable Development Association.

The project "Capacity Building for Improving Environmental Sustainability through External Assistance" is part of our mission to promote sustainable operational practices and was made possible thanks to the People in Need environmental fund, supported by CzechAid.

Author: Nadejda Cernomaz, News and Social Media Assistant

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